Putting together a great networking 60 seconds or elevator pitch

Creating a great elevator pitch for business networking
on Mon 30 Nov


I’ve been to a LOT of networking groups since I set up the company in 2003. Most of those expected members and visitors to share 60 seconds about their company so it amazes me that so many people bimble their way through their elevator pitch because they haven’t prepared.


For some reason they forget that each elevator pitch is an advert and that surprise surprise, you may not get work referred to you if you haven’t


  1. Sounded professional
  2. Mentioned the specific benefits of working with you
  3. Included a call to action


I like to imagine my elevator pitch as being a verbal baton that passes from you to a group member and from that member to their contacts.  So obviously the clearer and more memorable your pitch the easier it will be for others to spread the word on your behalf.


Some time ago I talked about this with a group of like-minded women and we came up with a to do list of great 60 second presentations:


  • Firstly, plan your elevator pitch instead of making it up on the spot
  • Smile and be passionate and enthusiastic about your business
  • Be clear about you are different to your competitors
  • Vary your pitches rather than delivering the same old same old – this might include using props (these really do help people to remember you!)
  • Make good eye contact with everyone in the room
  • Facts tell but stories sell and humour can work well
  • The word "help" is very powerful - "I would like your help to find new clients..."
  • The word "imagine" is very powerful - "Imagine you are facing a new business challenge..."
  • Remember your VITAL call to action - "Today I am looking for.."


At one the area gathering of one networking group I listened to an excellent speaker who shared two templates which might help you structure your elevator pitch.  These were


Hello my name is...

I help people...

And this is really good for them because...

I did this with (success story)...

Which went really well because...

So this week I would like to speak to ... and I want you to say...to them




My name is...

I work with...

Who have a problem with...

Because what I do is...

Which helps them...

For example (success story)...

The person I would like to speak to is ...as I want you to say...to them


I hope this post has helped – now off you go -  time to prepare your next 60 seconds!

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