Strategy & tactics

Hampshire based quirky marketing for an increasingly cynical world

Hampshire based quirky marketing for an increasingly cynical world

No longer trading so please don't sell to me - thank you

Think "real world marketing" not "text book marketing". You'll hear all sorts of  terms being bandied around in response to that 'what is marketing?' question. Terms like: Marketing strategy or marketing mix or marketing campaign.


But essentially it's all about differentiating yourself, understanding your potential clients and using engaging communication to put yourself across in a persuasive way using various marketing channels.  This is often about me enhancing the things you're already doing or introducing new things like social media activities or writing regular blog posts into an overall marketing plan that you'll actually have time to do.


In terms of marketing strategy, this is what I can specifically do for you:


  • I can help you identify the marketing messages that your target audience wants to hear, NOT the ones that you may have thought you needed to say...
  • I can devise quirky marketing ideas that will engage with an increasingly cynical world.
  • Together we will put together a marketing plan which suits you and your business.
  • To help drive traffic to your website and improve your search engine optimisation, I can identify and devise "useful stuff" for your target audience to access (By the way this is called Content Marketing!)
  • I can help you rule in...or rule media networks in terms of your marketing strategy - and show you how to integrate social media activities with the rest of your marketing activities.


If that sounds like to sort of help you need please get in touch.

No longer trading so please don't sell to me - thank you

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